Tuesday, February 19, 2013

heart pillow.

hello lovely! my name is rae and i own a company with my mom called ARMOMMY. i have 4 kidlets and created armommy to give every mama access to helpful products and fresh designs, as well as fantastic recipes, DIY's and DIWY's (do it with youngsters) via our blog. hope you stop by!heart-pillow-armommy-a-little-artsy (picture by stacy jacobsen of my no. 3, tilly!) 

teaching kids to use a needle and thread opens up a whole new world of creativity. plus it's fun, inexpensive and a great boredom buster! if you haven't done a ton of sewing together, making a pillow is a great place to start. using different fabrics and cutting various shapes makes them easy to customize to their personalities, living spaces or even as a gift! heart-pillow-3 last week i spent sometime with my neice, ellie (5 yrs.) making a heart pillow. here's the supplies we used: fabric (we have some fun options on etsy), fabric scissors, needle and thread, colored pencil, thimble, pillow stuffing, a few pins. heart-pillow-2   1. cutout your shape from two pieces of fabric and place right sides (patterned sides) together. pin in place. 2. using the colored pencil, draw a line for your child to use as a guide as they stitch. thread the needle (i doubled the thread and tied the end so ellie couldn't pull it through) and get them started! heart-pillow-4   3. hand over the needle and have them sew all the way around using a running stitch, leaving a 2 inch opening. 4. fill with stuffing. heart-pillow-5 5. once stuffed, tuck in the raw edges and close using a whip stitch. heart-pillow-1now it's ready to use, cuddle, display or gift! wasn't that fun!? hope you enjoyed. if you know of any fun sewing project ideas for kids, please share in the comments below! it's been r e a l . can't wait to see you again on a l i t t l e a r t s y or armommy! xo . rae   r a e {vp & mom} ARMOMMY


  1. Rae, you are lovely. Tilly is lovely. And I heart that sweet heart pillow. Thanks for sharing your talent and creativity with all of us...you are the bombdiggity. :)

    1. so sweet, mary beth! thank you for your encouragement!!! xo . rae

    2. thanks for your sweet encouragement, mary beth! xo . rae
