Monday, October 22, 2012

sidewalk chalk painting.

post by COURTNEY of once upon a canvas  

Chalk on the sidewalk reminds me of breezy summer evenings when I was a kid. Barefoot. A piece of chalk in one hand, a drippy Popsicle in the other. Carefree. Happy. Everything childhood should be. Add a little water to the mix, and you've got magic on the pavement.

What You'll Need: 
+ Sidewalk Chalk. 
+ Water. 
+ Paintbrushes. 

What You'll Do: 
+ Use a little water and a brush to blend colors. 
+ Or, simply dip your chalk straight into the water, and paint away.

Sometimes, two brushes are better than one. And, when it comes to sidewalk chalking, going barefoot is a must around here.

Sidewalk Chalk Painting can make any ordinary day feel just a little bit like Summer.

COURTNEY of once upon a canvas 

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